

Prasiolite is a green variety of quartz, a silicate mineral chemically silicon dioxide. Since 1950, almost all natural prasiolite has come from a small Brazilian mine, but it is has also been mined in Lower Silesia in Poland. Naturally occurring prasiolite has also been found in the Thunder Bay area of Canada.

Clear Quartz is a symbol of purity in a chaotic natural world. Every crystal of every mineral has impurities in it, there is no way not to, but clear Quartz has so few impurities and it is so pure that light goes straight through it like a plane of glass (which is actually made from melted down, purified Quartz). Also known as the "master of minerals" one of its best qualities is that it will enhance the metaphysical properties of any mineral you pair it with!!

. helps to further your spiritual growth
.fosters compassion, self-acceptance and self-honor
. brings high vibrational energy of the divine through your heart chakra

Dimensions:2" x 1" x 1/2"
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Kunzite Piece

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Pink Tourmaline Pieces

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Green Tourmaline Piece


Druzy Sugar Danburite Crystal #4


Aquamarine Crystal
