Quartz with Iron Arkansas

Quartz with Iron Arkansas

This crystal quartz from Arkansas USA

Clear Quartz is a symbol of purity in a chaotic natural world. The word crystal is derived from a Greek word meaning clear ice. This lovely piece also have some golden iron on one of the edges, it also has iron inclusions in it. Every crystal of every mineral has impurities in it, there is no way not to, but clear Quartz has so few impurities and it is so pure Also known as the "master of minerals" one of its best qualities is that it will enhance the metaphysical properties of any mineral you pair it with!!

-Rapidly expands ones consciousness
-Supports people who do healing work
-Helps one rise above perceived isolation and loneliness

Weight: 34 grams
Dimensions: 2" x 1 1/2" x 3/4"
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